Robot Dog Companion

Introducing the Animesh Robot Dog Companion – the perfect addition to your Second Life experience! Based on the real-life Boston Dynamics Robot Dog, this virtual companion will follow your avatar around, adding a touch of futuristic charm to your adventures. Easy to use and available in two versions, with and without a toilet paper holder attachment, this Animesh Robot Dog is a unique and exciting addition to any Second Life collection.





This Animesh Robot Dog companion is modeled after the real-life Boston Dynamics Robot Dog and will walk alongside your avatar once attached. To wear it, simply right-click on it in your inventory and select ‘Wear’. The default attachment point is the ‘Avatar Center’, and attaching it to any other point will prevent it from functioning properly.

Two versions of the robot dog are included: one without attachments and the other with a toilet paper holder on top.

Please note that there is a limit on the number of animesh attachments you can have on your avatar at once. This item is an animesh attachment, and as such, you may not be able to use it simultaneously with other animesh attachments. Currently, Premium Second Life accounts can have up to two animesh attachments at a time.